1.Profile for the communication protocol
●All the data in this communication protocol is hexadecimal.
●The data length is fixed 9 bits.
●Baud rate:9600, data bit:8, stop bit:1, parity bit: none.
2.Command list and meaning.

3.Command list and meaning.

0x86- Read CO2 concentration (for 0-50000ppm range)
CO2 concentration = HIGH *256+ LOW Eg. 01 in hexadecimal is equals to 1 in decimal, F4 in hexadecimal is equals to 244 in decimal. CO2 concentration=01*256+244=500ppm
0x9C- Read CO2 concentration (for 0-150000ppm range)
CO2 concentration= Data 1 << 24 + Data 2 << 16 + Data 3 << 8 + Data 4

Checksum calculation method
Calculating Checksum:
1、Add Byte 1 to Byte 7: 0x01 + 0x86 + 0x00 + 0x00 + 0x00 + 0x00 + 0x00 = 0x87
2、Negative: 0xFF – 0x87 = 0x78
3、Then+1:0x78 + 0x01 = 0x79
C language
char getCheckSum(char *packet)
char i, checksum;
for( i = 1; i < 8; i++)
checksum += packet[i];
checksum = 0xff – checksum;