Tag Archives: Hoperf module

RFduino Board User Manule

RFduino Board User Manule

RFduino Board which is compatible with Arduino UNO R3 and Arduino IDE. We recommand you use the Source Arduino 1.0.5 as IDE.

RFduino Board which also name HopeDuino But we used to call it as RFduino board.If there are any questions please contact us sales@odlstore.com. We will give more details about the name.

1.Prepare Hardware and software:


   1.) Arduino IDE installation
   Download the Arduino 1.0.5 package extract directly to need to put the path, this version is free of installation.As shown in the figure below:

dwmzone-Arduino-IDE installation

  2.) CP2102 chip driver installation

Download “CP210x_VCP_Windows” decompression, in computer system, according to you choose a 64 – bit or 32-bit drivers, double-click the install.As shown in the figure below:

dwnzone-CP2102-chip -driver-installation

3.) Installation HoepRF-HSP hardware and softare service package(Click and download directly).

Download the “HoepRF-HSP“hardware and softare service package decompression,you can find two folders “hardware” and “libraries”, Copy the Files under those two folders to the Arduino 1.0.5 “hardware” and “libraries” folders which has the same name.As shown in the figure below:


Copy the content of the “hardware” in HoepRF-HSP to the file Arduino 1.0.5 “hardware”.


Copy the content of the “libraries” in HoepRF-HSP to the file Arduino 1.0.5 “libraries”.


4.) Connect the RFduino board to PC through the serial port.

Double-click the arduino. Exe “to open the arduino IDE interface, the interface of select [ToolS] -> [ Board] -> [Larduino core w/LGT8f328d ], as shown in the figure below:

After connect two board you will see as below:
3. Arduino IDE Setting
  Double-click the arduino. Exe “to open the arduino IDE interface, the interface of select [Tools] – >[Board] – >[Larduino core w/LGT8f328d 】, as shown in the figure below:
4. Test LED Blink
After we finished the IDE setting the we can run a test to make sure thoes board works:
Select [file] – > [example] ->[01. Basics] -> “Blink”, as shown in the figure below:
At this time will re-open the Blink routine file, as shown in the figure below, click on “compile and download”.
After compiling finished and download software to RFduino board, after the download is complete, the red LED (L13) will according to the interval of 1 second, Means download success,  Shows as the following figure:
You can continue and Enjoy all of the series wireles modules Function which various corresponding validation HopeRF routines for you need to test.